Wednesday, November 24, 2010

**Awarded 2 Stylish Blogger Award**

My Scrapbuddies PinkBlingCrafter-Norma
 and On Eagle's Wings-Tabitha gave me a Stylish Blogger Award. When I found out It made my day. 
I am glad I have friends that may think of me as stylish. 
Please go give them a shout out.

Thanks again Scrap-buddies!

To accept this award, I must do the following:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded me this award

2. Share 8 things about yourself

3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that I have recently discovered

4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards
Plus 8 things about me:
1. I was created to be unique!
2. I enjoy every moment with my FANTASTIC HUBBY!
3. I have lots of joy giving through the whole year.
4. I am SPOILED by my HUBBY :)
5. I am a mother of two. Joseph 20 years old & Joshua 12 years old.
6. I best create during the night.

8. I am SPOILED by my HUBBY. Wait I already said that but it's true! :)

Now I am to pass this on to 8 bloggers.
I'm passing this award to these stylish blogs:

I am grateful for these ladies plus more. I get inspired 

because your creative ideas are


taking lightly by me!!
I am thankful for my SCRAPBUDDIES!!!


Your choice of

Blog Candy if I 
hit 200 followers.

I will do a $10 Michaels,
$10 JoAnn 

or $10 Hobby Lobby. 

So please invite your "Scrapbuddies"!


  1. Thank you so much Haidee! Super hugs to you my friend! :)

  2. Wow! I'm so honored to be on your list Haidee! Thank you so much!


Thanks for leaving me a comment! I love to hear from you!!